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Welcome to Smith Memorial Presbyterian Church!  If this is your first time at Smith Memorial Presbyterian Church (SMPC), we want to give you a warm welcome.  We hope that this can be a community where you experience the love of God.  Sometimes when people visit a new church, it can feel a little overwhelming.  In order to help you feel more comfortable about what to expect, here answers to are a few frequently asked questions.

What is the worship service like?
We worship every Sunday at 10:00 am.  The service usually ends around 11:00 to 11:15 am.  When you arrive our greeters and ushers will welcome you, give you a worship bulletin and answer any questions you may have.  Our worship service incorporates many traditional elements with a blend of contemporary songs and classic hymns. Piano, organ, choir, soloists, praise team, hand bells, flute, guitar, and children all contribute to our worship experience, though usually not all at once.  Words of scripture and song, and sometimes images and videos, are displayed on large screens.  The sermon is Christ-centered and connects the Bible with modern life. Communion is observed on the first Sunday of the month.  (Communion is open to everyone who loves Jesus – no matter their age or background. The bread is gluten-free and it is served with grape juice.)

What about children in worship?
We believe that the family of God consists of both children and adults.  We understand that children can be squirmy and noisy and that is okay with us.  The energy of children is a joy and we delight in their presence.  Children’s bulletins, crayons, and a clipboard with appropriate activities is available for children who would like something to keep them busy when they remain in the service. Halfway through the service we have a children’s sermon in which children are invited to come forward for a brief message prepared especially for them.  After the children’s message, children K-4th grade who wish to participate in Children’s Chapel will be escorted by trusted teachers to their classroom. Parents and guardians may pick up their children downstairs in the education wing after the worship service ends.

What is Children’s Chapel?
Children’s Chapel combines elements of both worship and Sunday school into one. It encourages children's spiritual development beyond just knowing about the stories of the Bible. Children may also begin to know and give thanks to the God who loves them.  Children’s Chapel begins immediately after the children’s sermon. However, on Communion Sundays (the first Sunday of the month) there will be no Children’s chapel, so that the whole family of God can be together to share the Lord's Supper.  Children’s Chapel is led by at least two volunteers who have passed background checks and have been trained to provide a loving and safe environment for the children in their care.   

What do people wear to worship?
We welcome you just as you are.  There is no dress code.  Many people are dressed in business casual, but some dress up a little more and some choose a more casual look.  We want you to feel comfortable worshiping, so feel free to wear what will help you feel comfortable.

What happens after worship?
Everyone is invited to come to the fellowship hall for coffee and cookies after the worship service ends.  If you wish, this is a good opportunity to meet other people.  Feel free to stay as long or as short as you want.


Why Church?

Click here to read a post from Pastor Brad about why being part of a church is so meaningful.

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