Wednesdays at 10:10 AM - Small Group/Bible Study
Thursdays at 7:00 PM - Small Group/Bible Study - (on break for the summer)
Both groups meet weekly to provide support and encouragement for one another as we grow in our relationship with God. In these groups, we 1) discuss life-relevant Bible study books, 2) reflect on God’s presence in our lives and in this world, and 3) pray for our community and for one another. Plus, we have lots of fun getting to know some really nice people while sharing coffee, tea, and treats. We hope you will join us so we can get to know you too.
The Outriggers is a group of middle-age couples and singles who enjoy fellowship, devotional time and supporting local missions. This group is open to everyone and welcomes newcomers. We meet on the 3rd Saturday of each month, usually at the church in Fellowship Hall. Each member participates on a team, and each team coordinates 4 meetings a year, including activities and devotions as well as refreshments.
Youth Group
Our youth group meets after morning worship at 11:45am until 1pm. The gatherings include games, snacks, and lots of time to share what's going on in everyone's lives. Our youth director and volunteers value and focus on relational ministry and make sure the kids and youth in our program enjoy themselves while they grow as disciples.
Community Choir
The community choir is a group of church and community members who enjoy singing. Their rehearsals are on the second and fourth Saturday of the month from 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. in the sanctuary. There is plenty of room for anyone who would like to participate.
Praise Team
The praise team is a group of singers and musicians who help lead us in singing the congregational music. They practice on Sunday mornings before worship and new vocal or instrumental talent is always welcome.
Jubilant Bells
The Smith Memorial adult handbell choir is Jubilant Bells, directed by Michael Day. We have four full octaves of bells (plus most of a fifth octave), three octaves of handchimes, special padded tables and other equipment. The ringers practice on Wednesday evenings (6:00 to 7:30) from September through June and periodically play their music in worship. We welcome new ringers.
Communications Team
The Communications Team supports and assists the church in fulfilling its mission through the production of materials that help people come together and worship the God who loves them. If you are interested in participating on this team, please contact Janet Emch.
Fellowship and Outreach Team
The Fellowship and Outreach Team builds and strengthens relationships within our congregation and outside of our congregation, so that more and more people will experience the joy of Christ through the community of our church. Furthermore, they encourage, coordinate and support people to exhale the love of God in service towards others within our community and throughout the world. If you are interested in participating on this team, please contact Janet Emch or Marcia Chiaudano.
Buildings and Grounds Team
The Buildings and Grounds Team oversees the care of the physical environment at Smith Memorial Presbyterian Church, so that our buildings and grounds enhance the functionality of our ministries for the people who visit our campus feel safe and welcomed. If you are interested in participating on this team, please contact Tom Shaw.
Worship Team
The Worship Team provides an environment in our worship service where people of all ages and backgrounds might better experience the love of God in Jesus Christ through sound, sight, and genuine Christian hospitality. If you are interested in participating on this team, please contact Berni Mueller.
The Session
The Session is the policy-making and governing body of the church. As God ordered Moses to assemble elders to share in certain functions of ministry (Exodus 3:16) and as elders were appointed to serve in each church of the New Testament (Acts 14:23), elders are elected at Smith Memorial Presbyterian Church to encourage the priesthood of all believers to work together and build up the body of Christ (Ephesians 4:12). The Session works with the pastor in setting the vision of the church, ensuring the Word of God is preached, the sacraments given, and the congregation is nurtured in its growth and development as disciples of Jesus Christ (PCUSA Book of Order, G-3.0201).
The Board of Deacons
The office of Deacons is established in Acts 6. Deacons are ministers of "compassion, witness, and service, sharing in the redeeming love of Jesus Christ for the poor, the hungry, the sick, the lost, the friendless, the oppressed, those burdened by unjust policies or structures, or anyone in distress" (PCUSA Book of Order, G-2.0201). The purpose of the Board of Deacons is to nurture the entire congregation to take part in ministries of caring and compassion for all people within our church family, while also reaching out to those in need within our local community.